Latest Episodes

Episode 44: 9/11-Some Rememberances
In today's episode, Coyle talks with several guests about their experiences and memories of 9/11. They include Ethan Reedy, who works in information technology...

Episode 43: An Interview with John Wilsey
In today's episode, Coyle interviews John Wilsey, professor of church history at Southern Seminary, and the William Simon Visiting Fellow of Public Life at...

Episode 42: Global Warming
In today's episode, Coyle and Ed talk about global warming and climate change--what causes it, how much CO2 are we producing, coal plant closures,...

Episode 41: Ancient Asides 4-The Roman Emperors
In the fourth installment of this occasional series looking at Roman politics, Coyle and Jordan pick up with the death of Augustus, the problem...

Episode 40: Marxism, Part II
In this second of a two part series looking at Marx and Marxism, Coyle and Ed look at the development of Marxism in the...

Episode 39: Patriotism
Happy 4th of July! As we celebrate independence day, Coyle and Ed turn their attention to patriotism--what it is, why we should have it,...