Episode 17: Can a Christian Vote for Hillary Clinton? An Interview with Nick Rodriguez.

October 10, 2016 00:49:40
Episode 17: Can a Christian Vote for Hillary Clinton? An Interview with Nick Rodriguez.
The City of Man
Episode 17: Can a Christian Vote for Hillary Clinton? An Interview with Nick Rodriguez.

Oct 10 2016 | 00:49:40


Hosted By

Coyle Neal

Show Notes

We are dropping two episodes this week looking at the kinds of considerations that might lead a Christian to voting for either of the major party candidates. In this episode, we speak with Nick Rodriguez, a policy consultant in Washington, DC working on educational policy and government reform. Nick authored a blog entry on the Gospel Coalition website that received a lot of attention in which he urged Christians to vote for Hillary Clinton. In this episode, he elaborates on those reasons and talks about why Donald Trump is a uniquely dangerous presidential candidate.

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