Episode 18: Can a Christian Vote for Donald Trump? An Interview with Rebeccah Heinrichs

October 10, 2016 00:51:27
Episode 18: Can a Christian Vote for Donald Trump? An Interview with Rebeccah Heinrichs
The City of Man
Episode 18: Can a Christian Vote for Donald Trump? An Interview with Rebeccah Heinrichs

Oct 10 2016 | 00:51:27


Hosted By

Coyle Neal

Show Notes

We are dropping two episodes this week looking at the kinds of considerations that might lead a Christian to voting for either of the major party candidates. In this episode, we speak with Rebeccah Heinrichs, a fellow at the Hudson Institute and an expert on issues of national security and nuclear deterrence. Rebeccah has been a congressional advisor, as well as providing briefings to Republican presidential aspirants. Her writings have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, The LA Times, The Washington Times and Politico, and she is a frequent guest on Fox News. Listen to why Rebeccah thinks that, despite his flaws, Trump is worthy of support.

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