Episode 27: Hillbilly Elegy

January 16, 2017 01:50:29
Episode 27: Hillbilly Elegy
The City of Man
Episode 27: Hillbilly Elegy

Jan 16 2017 | 01:50:29


Hosted By

Coyle Neal

Show Notes

Along with special guests Jordan Poss and Danny Anderson from the Sectarian Review, Coyle and Ed discuss Hillbilly Elegy, J.D. Vance's highly lauded memoir about growing up in the Appalachian white working class. Vance offers an honest portrait of the virtues and pathologies of the fraying white working class, and an interesting commentary on class and culture in the United States. The crew talks about the history (and mythology?) of the Scots Irish in the United States, honor cultures and violence, class distinctions within the white working class, the extent to which these social pathologies are the result of "culture" or economic disadvantage, and what could possibly done about it all.

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